Saturday, May 15, 2010

At work this afternoon a light-haired boy walked in with exactly five dollars, and thrusted his crumpled bill at me. "Do you have change for this?" he demanded, startling green eyes downcast. I handed him twenty pristine quarters. "Thanks," he mumbled, but he didn't move.
"Where're you from?" I asked, wondering why he was still there.
"Lots of places," he said.
"Where do you go to school?"
"Don't go to school."
He left the arcade without playing anything. Only then did I realize both crumpled bill and quarters were sitting on the counter.


  1. Do you think you know why he left it? Or if it was an accident?

    Cute little story though. Life is odd sometimes.

    Anyway thanks for the comment. It took me so long to respond but I'm blogging again so.. Hope to see you there again. I'll definitely be back here. I'm curious too!

  2. Hey there!! Just wanted to let you know that I’ve changed the name of my blog from to Antika Moda. To see my blog updates on your reading list, please delete me from your “following” list, visit my new URL:, and follow me once more :) Thanks so much! ♥

  3. Everyone has a story.... I wonder what his was!

  4. Thank you guys for all the comments! I'm sorry to say I've been neglecting my blog, but I'll have something new and different posted soon.

  5. ?? I wonder why...?

  6. I suppose what he really wanted to do was give you five dollars.
    He probably didn't leave because he was waiting for you to turn around.
    Hm or maybe he stole something and felt guilty about it later.
    There's no way of knowing, this is killin me haha.

  7. I too wonder.

    Perhaps that is the reason, Melissa. He did look the sort that would steal for survival, but as far as I could tell he didn't look like a malicious person.
