Sunday, February 13, 2011

When I am bad and will not stay and listen to my mother, they send me here to play and say I'm naughty and a bother.

If it's true and love is found so hidden in the water, drown me deep and I will sleep and dream all I desire.


  1. That is bloody BEAUTIFUL, Wends! "To sleep perchance to dream..."

  2. Where have you found these lovely pictures?
    Oh, I wish I had that globe. It's endlessly pretty!
    xx.x Take care

  3. Virginia: Thank you! :)

    Cinnamon: Indeed. Thank you lovely!

    Hannah: I found them all on The first is a picture of Bennett School for Girls, an old school in the New York countryside that was abandoned several centuries ago, and still stands. The middle two are from the beautiful film, 'Cracks'.


  4. oh how I would love to have that globe.

  5. Gorgeous words and lovely pictures! I too would love to have such a globe as that.

    xx and hugs


  6. My beauty. Even short posts such as this are so lovely and enchanting, as is all that you create. ♥ I do so hope that love can be found buried deep underwater. Perhaps we should become mermaids. I did always want to go searching for a shipwreck and the skeleton of a sea captain. Sorry, I'm daydreaming. It's easy to do whenever I visit your blog. All my love, x

  7. Julia, me too. xx

    Jhordyn: Thank you unicorn princess. ;)

    Katie; If I could live anywhere, I would live there. x

    Thea: I too have a fascination with the sea (the largely unexplored Pacific, especially). Thank you dearest, I feel similarly when I read your words. I wish you would let us comment again so we can tell you how beautiful you are. xx

  8. Oh, this post is so interesting and lovely! It inspires so many trains of thought in my mind. <3

    The first picture is my favourite! I could imagine that it is haunted by the ghosts of girls with pinafores and plaits who have never stoppped doing their lessons.

  9. This is such a beautiful post. Sometimes I long to be sent away. It seems so thrilling and nice.

  10. Melee: I secretly wish, when I am old and weathered, to buy that house and renovate it and name it after myself and restart the school. xx

    Kaleidoscope girl: Thank you! x

    Autumn: Unfortunately for dreamers like us, being sent away is expensive. xx

  11. If it's true and love is found so hidden in the water, drown me deep and I will sleep and catch all I desire..

    oh, these words are beautiful, love... i so much want to find it too. the last photo is the best for me... it is filled with somehow broken souls, and hearts and dreams... :'(


  13. Haze: The one with the little girls and the lake? Mine too. xxxxxx

    Verenda: I can say the same about you. <3

    Cinnamon: Thanks love! :) xoxo

  14. Beautiful. Your words just keep getting more and more lovely. x

  15. Wow, wow! I love this post! You've creatively combined all these pictures so that they tell such an intriguing story. I love the idea of these girls who may or may not be trouble, and how they spend their time together. Haunting and dreamy.

  16. Thank you Kim! That is exactly what I was going for. xxxxx
