Thursday, November 4, 2010

When Ms. Rowling wrote her first masterpiece, she forgot about me. She forgot to record my story between her sickle-filled parchment-pages, didn't think to explore higher in the castle than Dumbledore's office. I stalk the highest towers of Hogwarts, the ones that no one speaks of, bitter and unloved. Salazar left me here long ago, and I sealed the door with my own wand to prevent anyone from ever Seeing, ever Knowing what truly happened at the age before Voldemort and his silly Sorcerer's stone. What made the forest so Forbidden, what created and lived alongside the Basilisk, who really knew every crack and crevice of the great Wizard school. Did you know, that walls hold more secrets than rooms and whole worlds exist between the stones and under the floor. Did you know, there is a substance like gauze that is layered upon your vision so that Wizards are Muggles and Muggles are dust. There is a world more terrible than magic and a life more tragic than any ghost could fabricate. I glance out of the only window and see only (books and) hastily scrawled apologies. If only she hadn't forgotten.

[click image for source]
PS: Re-did everything, if you haven't noticed. Completely revamped the layout, rewrote some posts, and deleted some others. :) Thoughts?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, if only she hadn't forgotten!
    (She forgot about me, too, even though I loved Fred with my entire heart and it broke to pieces when I heard about his death.)

    I adore your blog. It is charming and your words are magic.

  3. Fred was such a dear, but I really broke down when SPOILER Dumbledore died.

    Thank you so much! <3

  4. This is enchanting! It makes me think of how many untold stories there must be hidden in the dark recesses of the most widely known tales.

  5. unanswered questions.
    i cried when dumbledore died.

    you are right, walls hold many secrets. they hold them for generations, and generations. sometimes they even come out.

  6. Thank you for following me, it means the world to me. Knowing that I am heard, somehow; it often surprises and comforts me both, and I am eternally thankful.
    <3 It makes me so glad, that you've found a place you can somewhat relate to as Home; you give me faith, hope- perhaps there is such a place.
    I'm forever wondering.
    At the moment I'm not living with my family, though they do live in this town, and I grew up with them. The rackety bridge we treaded upon each day, however, grew so frail it broke right underneath our own feet, and we fell; no longer a family, but a house of broken people.
    When I left, and moved in with a friend and her family, of course the storm we were caught in grew; I was a betrayer, I was a horrible daughter, an unloving sister... Yet somehow, we survived. I wonder, day after day, if I would have made it to the surface, had I stayed there.
    A year later, and I do speak to them; my father, wonderfully now. I visit, with my boyfriend, and I stay the night, in that haunted room, my belongings stripped from the walls, cupboards. I don't sleep in my bed, I drag a mattress to the floor and sleep in Tim's arms. Broken, we are, but somehow we grow to... build things back up.
    When I leave with Tim, perhaps; perhaps then, I will fully unpack the old suitcase that sits, never dusty, in the corner; half packed, half unpacked, clothes strewn around it. I float between houses... Yet perhaps soon, I will come to know my own home.
    Oh dear; such a long comment... Sorry. I'm so sorry. And thank you so much, really. To connect with someone is a wonderful thing.

  7. Magically written, my dove.

    It made me wonder if Harry misses me, now that I am gone.

    xoxo thestoryteller

  8. Helen: And doesn't it make a good story when they do? ;) I swear, if JK Rowling hadn't been born first I would have written Harry Potter.

    Bella: Do not be sorry, dear one! Everyone has a story that needs to be heard, and yours is no different. It is good that you are hopeful and looking towards the future - many only see the past, and it consumes their present, so it becomes impossible to move forward. When you leave with Tim to start your own home and family, I'm sure you'll have the best of them because you gained the insight of what not to do from your own childhood. As for places, I for one have never fit in in any small town I've ever lived in, and prefer the larger towns and cities where people tend to be more liberal.

    Darling, I wish you every happiness, and I hope everything works out! xx

    The Storyteller: Thank you! :) I sometimes am wistful of old characters in old books but I hate to re-read things (even Harry).

  9. I love this piece... yes, if only she didn't forget. Your thoughts made me think. :-)

  10. I love this so much!<3
    It really makes me think... How many stories do we forget after we've seen them? How many stories don't we even dare take a glance at?

  11. Who needs stories of evil, monsters, Hades, chaos, horror and everlasting damnation?

    Throw away your bible, burn all your literature. Hell is right here. It starts when we take our first breath and it ends when we take our last.

    Each new day sees the Chamber of Secrets opened anew, every day unleashes the horror within. Sometimes you get the Basilisk, sometimes he gets you.

    Welcome to the real world, my fellow Muggles.

    Fuck, I'm a negative bitch! Jaded perception anyone?!

    Another brilliant piece of writing, Babe! I love how you turn each piece into a work of art, subject to interpretation. Well done! X.

  12. Leah: Thank you! :) It's so nice to see you back in the blogging world.

    Mars: Exactly. There is a story hidden behind every character, every room, every chapter. It takes a keen eye to read between the lines.

    Cinnamon Brown: That could have been a post right there. ;) Yes, I do try to be rather cryptic so as to not make the true meaning of the writing clear at first glance, and I think it adds to the substance of the piece.

    Thank you for reading! <33

  13. So awesome. HP is a part of me forever.

  14. Dearest Wendy (I almost called you Wednesday, I am not sure why!), you are amazing. I wish she hadn't forgotten, because reading about you makes my heart tear up, just a little, and long for more. Perhaps she left the best bit out, for she knew that perhaps our hearts could not handle such beauty, just yet.

  15. I
    I love Harry Potter! And YOU, my dear, are a FABULOUS writer! You have a new follower!

  16. Some Girl: Same. <3 I feel sorry for the people who haven't read them, or refuse to. xx

    Athena: Wednesday is a pretty name. :) Thank you soooo much for reading, Athena, you're truly lovely! I think the best stories are never told, but felt.

    Livabug: I am much obliged, starling. <3

  17. Sweetheart, you are ever so precious. Ms Rowling may have forgotten your story, but I'm glad you are here to share it with us yourself. Your new blog layout is exquisite. It fills me with all the magic and excitement of Winter. x

  18. sometimes to forget is the most sad thing.

    ps: your layout is really nice! it's always better to be light and easy.
    maybe adding more posts to first page and so on?

  19. She forgot me too. :(
    I really love this post, and the image.
    I'm not sure why but it reminds me of beauty and the beast...

  20. Thea: Thank you for everything, Thea! I was so uncertain about this new layout, but I'm glad that it's been well-received. xx

    A dreamer: It is my worst fear. Thank you for the suggestions, I may add some more posts soon.

    Everlover: That's a lovely film, perhaps it is the castle that reminds you of it? Most Disney castles are designed in that style.

  21. Your blog is a little moment of wonder and possibility in the world - I'm so glad you appeared on mine! I know I will be hooked from now on.

  22. this is so beautiful.
    so wonderful :)

  23. oh, this is lovely and so intriguing. i want to know more of this story. (even hidden things show themselves sometimes.)

    i think sometimes we are always a little forgotten, at any moment at all you can vanish it seems. but this story is one i shall never forget.


  24. Margg: Thank you! <3
    Rowan: Words are immortal, even if we will never be. Thank you. xx

  25. Oh this makes me yearn to watch the new H P film xox

  26. So many needs to be reminded that we, we are not immortal. Unfortunately those won't take the time to read your enchanted words. They will be surprised one day. One day.

    You write damn good!
    Nothing less!

  27. Lilli: Thank you so much! You are so very, very kind. <3
