Monday, December 6, 2010

Amid opalescent fragility, across the frigid lake, she walks within a sparrow's nest and never stops to think. Tea time with the penguins, dinner on the moor, she falls within a hairline crack though never does she sink.
The foxes always bid her stay but she'll always be a runaway.


  1. this is beautifully intriguing.

    i love it.

  2. This is beautiful, as usual! :)

  3. I don't know what kind of creature that is in the second picture but... I definitely want one as a pet. =D

    This is quite lovely and enigmatic. (I would absolutely adore having tea with the penguins.)

  4. I think it might be a type of hedgehog, but I`m not sure. xD Thank you for such kind words!

  5. How gorgeous is that second picture! It goes above and beyond the "Awww" factor. Your writing, dear, is beautiful! It's such a curious piece - one sewed from silk and mystery. I love reading every word you write. xx

  6. "The foxes always bid her stay but she'll always be a runaway." Just beautiful, but I couldn't expect anything else from you my dear. So very enchanting! I always look forward to your stories!

    xx and hugs


  7. This encouraged me a lot. :)
    Thank you.

  8. The last line is my favorite. It makes me think of fables and colored pencil illustrations.

  9. Ah, la belle Persephone!

    I also want the critter. As far as I know, it's a Momonga (Japanese flying squirrel) So cute!

    Lovely writing, as always, Babe.XXX.

  10. Joanna: Your old blog is one of the few that inspired me to write the Wendy Bird in the first place. Thank YOU.

    Jhordyn Ashley: Thank you very much! :)

    Hannah: I am so glad!! It's so awesome to hear that you've made a difference in someone's life, somewhere.

    Ashley Chang: That is such a sweet thing to visualize. Thank you for following. :)

    Cinnamon: Oh, I just realized how similar this is to the story of Persephone! Thank you for pointing that out. xx

  11. You wrote this yourself? Sorry to ask, I only mean that is is... brilliant! The soft poetic rhythm in it, and oh that last line! I love it, I love it. (Ps, I have added you to my list of Sunken Ships, love. Thank you for being such a lovely friend.) x

  12. I really don't know how you come up with words like these. So very jealous, really xx

  13. Oh, I only just read the comment you left earlier on my video! :) thank you so much, wonderful, that meant the world to me. It really did, I can't find the words to express it. Thank you so, so much :) xxx

  14. Awwwww the second photo is the sweetest! xxxxx

  15. Your words always paint the most lovely images. <3

  16. Thea: This is what happens when I spend two hours on three sentences. xD You do not know how much that means to me, sweetling. You have and always will remain on my favorite blog list.

    Holly: It was a treat to listen to! I feel like I can relate to a lot of what you went through. It's encouraging to hear from a wiser perspective on events that permeate your own life. xx

    Caroline: I know, it's so cute!

    Princess Camille: As do yours. <3

  17. The subtle rhyme is quite beautiful, dear.

  18. This is perfection!! ♡

  19. Sometimes, like now, I wish I could show my soul to people, to make it into a picture I could show and people would understand how I felt when nothing else, not even words can explain it.
    This feels like perfection, only softer and prettier. This is something so beautiful that only a soul like yours could possibly write.
    Thank you

  20. Rachel: Thank you! I never really meant for this to rhyme, it just sort of happened. :)

    Mademoiselle ND: It's so nice to here from you again, deerling! Thank you!

    Mars: Oh my gosh, thank you so much! What wonderful words to come home too! I too wish I could show my soul to people.. but sometimes, I think secrets make a person more interesting.

    I love you all. xx

  21. I adore, adore, ADORE your blog. It is bittersweet, beautiful and makes magic out of sad things. Not only that, it is full of my favourites: Never Never Land, Hogwarts, Disney and melancholy. It is truly truly lovely. xxx

  22. oh god i almost died when I saw that second picture. I love your writing... and the foxes bidding her to stay... I love that. x

  23. Caroline: Dear Caroline, thank you ever so much! We are much alike, those are among my favorite things too. xx

    Lilly: Thank you! I found the picture on We Heart It, they have some pretty amazing photos.

  24. amazing pictures! love the second one so much - it's so cute.
    I will be back soon!
